Words of Wisdom
- Less blame, More encouragement
- We are in a time of dramatic change, before, change was part of life, now, it has become life itself
- 世界上一切美好的事都不會長存,所以才有宗教。 - 陶傑
- All good things in the world do not last, that’s why there is religion.
- 凡是美好的事物,都不可長存,不論是毀於天災,更多的是結束於人禍。 - 陶傑
- All good things do not last, whether they are destroyed by natural disasters or more often by man-made disasters.
- 寧化飛灰 不作浮塵
- I have been called, I must answer. Always.
- “2 + 2 = 5 - 1”, the ending is as you think, but the process will not be the same
- As to liberty, the heros who signed the great documnet pledged themselves to buy liberty with their own lives. Liberty never unalienable; It must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost.
- 正面回應涉事事件,但要側面解讀;攻擊對方動機不純,從根源瓦解對手
- 公關文內一定要說真話,低真話只能說一半
- 大眾傳媒通過日常的報導和宣傳,是在將資產階級的特殊利益描述為社會的普遍利益
Words of Wisdom