Networking Notes 4 - Network support group
Network Layer
Network layer is concerned with getting packets from source all the way to destinations.
It is the lowest layer that deals with end-to-end transmission, and may make many hops at intermediate nodes.
Physical and data link layers only operate locally.
Hop - is one portion of the path between source and destination.
Network-Layer Function
- Connect heterogeneous networks together to look like a single network (Internetworking)
- Uniquely identify each device (addressing)
- Make decision to deliver data (routing)
- Fit data to size used by the lower layer protocol (fragmentation)
Jobs for sending side: encapsulates segments into datagrams
Jobs for receiving side: delivers segments to transport layer
Address in TCP
Physical address
Logical address
Port address
Physical Address
Address of a node as defined by its LAN or WAN
In a data link level, frame transfer only contains Physical addresses in the header.
Most LAN use a 48-bit(6bytes) physical address written as 12 hexadecimal digits with every digits separated by a colon.
Physical Address also called Media Access Control (MAC) address
MAC address is performed via the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Logical Address
Universal address that can pass through the LAN boundaries.
Address of a LAN. Logical Address + Physical Address needed to send data to another LAN network.
Port Address
Computer can run multiple processes at the same time, but need to label different processes by using port address
Port address is 16-bit address. (2^16) 0 - 65535, 65536 in total.
Domain Name System
Translation of a hostname into an IP address.
Networking Notes 4 - Network support group