Information Security Notes 1 - Classical Crypto System

Information Security Notes 1 - Classical Crypto System

What is Encryption

Encryption is composed of a key and an Encryption algorithm.

  1. Type of operations used for transforming plaintext to ciphertext
  2. The number of keys used
  3. The way in which the plaintext is processed

Encryption and Decryption

  • Unencrypted message = plaintext/message
  • Encrypted message = cipher/ciphertext


Means attack

  • Brute-force
    • Tries every possible
  • Breaking the algorithm
    • Tries to exploit the weakness of the encryption algorithm

How to measured by the following dimensions

  • Attacker models
    • How strong is the attacker
    1. Ciphertext only attacks
    2. Known plaintext attacks
    3. Chosen plaintext attacks(Attacker can choose plaintext on his own)
    4. Chosen ciphertext attacks(Attacker can choose the cipher and obtain the plaintext)
  • Security Goal
    • What Goals does your attacker wants to achieve
    1. Computationally secure: The cost of breaking the cipher exceeds the value of the encryptited information
    2. Unconditionally secure: No matter how much time as opponent has, it is impossible for people decrypt. (secure against brute-force)
  • Assumptions:
    • What is the computational limitation
    • Always better to over-estimate the ability of your attackers
    1. Computation: attacker might have many computing resource(super-computers)
    2. Network: attacker might have control over the network/communication channel, they can send/drop/inject/view your packet
    3. Some problems are hard(NP=/=P), no polynomial time solutions
    4. We generally assume computation requiring 2^80 is unsolvable

Brute-force attack

  • Attackers try all possible sets of keys
  • By probability, it has to try at least half of them
  • We generally assume computation requiring 2^80 is unsolvable

Information Security Notes 1 - Classical Crypto System



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