Good Bye 2020, Hello 2021

For me, 2020 is not only about wuhan virus aka Couid19; It was a year of extreme decline in the face of my beloved Hong Kong.
Basically, I didn’t have the mental will to face anything throughout the 2020. Fucked up every every every thing.

I forget where this words of wisdon I saw:

We are in a time of dramatic change, before, change was part of life, now, it has become life itself

Can I start over again?

Btw, the image’s word is: “There are no heroes from sky, only mortals who step forward.”

Edit at 02-01-2021:

I thought for a day, if I could turn back the clock, if I could choose everything over again, what would I do?

In my memory, there are things that absolutely cannot be discarded, I will still choose this path now, the only hope to change just that one tragedy.
Perhaps I will make the same choice, after all, in addition to the pain and helplessness in the memory, there are some things in it that do not want to forget
Perhaps for those things, it’s worth starting over again.



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